Hornbill Institute

Course Content
Unit 1 : Forest & Forestry
History and background of forest. Forest cover of India and M.P., classification of forest, Trees Outside Forest (TOF), state wise forest distribution and growing stock. Definitions, terminology, objective of forestry, role of forest (productive, protective and ameliorative), influence of forest on environment, forest types of India and M.P., Silvics and silviculture
Unit 2 : Forest Utilization
FOREST MEASUREMENTS : Tree height, volume, biomass) FOREST UTILIZATION : Definitions, terminology, wood product, wood seasoning, wood preservation, plywood, particle wood, pulp and paper, saw milling, logging. Non-wood forest products. fibres, flosses, grasses, tannin, gums, dye, resin, oleoresin, essential oils, tree borne oil seeds MEDICINAL PLANTS
Unit 3 : Forest Policy and legislation
Definitions, terminology, National Forest Policies (1894, 1952, 1988), Forest Law, Indian Forest Act (1927, 2002, 2006), comparison of forest Policies, Wild Life Protection Act (1972) and its amendments, Forest conservation Act (1980) and amendments, Environment Protection Act 1986, Biodiversity Act 2002, Forest Right Act 2006 for tribal's, Indian Forest Act 2019 (Amendment), Bamboo freed from forest produce, joint forest management, social forestry, agroforestry, farm forestry, Agroforestry Policy 2014, M.P. Loakvaniki Act, 2001.
Unit 4 : Forest Protection
Definitions, terminology, Classification of injurious agencies - man, animals, insects, plants, environments factors, forest fires and control measures, grazing and grazing management, afforestation, soil conservation, watershed management, Global warming, role of forest in climate mitigation, carbon pool, role of forest in soil and water conservation, National parks, Census, ecosystem services, forest management, reserve forest, Biosphere reserves.
Unit 5 : Tribes of Madhya Pradesh
Major Tribes of M.P. and its sub castes -Bhil, Gond, Baiga etc. Special backward tribes of M.P .- Baiga, Bhariya, Sahariya. General introduction, regions and their features of languages and dialects of tribes of M.P., Major institutions and museum for tribes in M.P., Festivals, Religious beliefs, Culture and traditions of tribes of M.P., Welfare Schemes of tribes, Role of tribes in forest protection.
MPPSC Forest Service (Main) Examination 2024
About Lesson
  • Vishnu puran – 13 types of forest
  • Kupyadhyaksha
  • Gupta time
  • Capton watson
  • Gibson
  • Brandis
Exercise Files
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